Creation of Preliminary Concept and Feasibility Studies

Within the scope of the project, company’s previously conducted surveys, assessments and studies are reviewed; market analysis, preliminary concept creation and feasibility studies are based on these  benchmark values. At this stage, recommendations are prepared with the goal of ensuring optimal utilization of the investment.

Scope of market analysis
• Location of the property or building (if any)
• Analysis of the region, expected developments and competitor analysis
• Project’s positioning in the tourism markets

Preliminary concept stage
• Specification of the project’s preliminary concept and vision
• Identification of the target audience for the hotel and other different function

Feasibility study
• Estimated total cost of the investment
• Pricing and P&L study based on the recommended preliminary concept
• Ten-year P&L study for the investment
• Revenue-expense projections for other social / commercial areas
• Cash flow diagram, ROI analysis and rate of return

In case banks, financial institutions and/or hotel brand names request feasibility reports from independent third parties, work is undertaken on behalf of the investor.